
Clint: Towards a circular and sustainable laundry
Clint is a project born from the collaboration between Girbau and Elisava, to promote the professional development of young people through real projects and commissions that allow to offer them job opportunities.
The following are the most relevant goals of the Clint project:
- Raise awareness about the need to think in terms of sustainability, integrate the circular model and rediscover the value of waste material.
- Introduce Clint as a first step towards circular and sustainable laundry that transforms residue into a new material and moves towards zero waste. The residue material adopts a new shape and becomes visible.
- To highlight, through Clint, the recovery of artisanal procedures to achieve very careful solutions for the transformation of a textile waste material, invisible and neglected, into new applications.
- To highlight the urgent need for the laundry sector to collect data and to create metrics in order to customize future solutions.
Origin of Clint
Clint is the name of a new versatile, useful and recyclable material created from the recovery of the solid textile residue trapped in the filters of drying machines (lint), that ends up looking like cardboard, which has a high potential for applications in different areas and sectors.
Clint is the result of an initiative promoted by Girbau LAB, the Girbau innovation platform, with the students of Advanced Materials of the Degree of Industrial Design Engineering (GEDI) and the Simultaneous Studies Program (PES) from the Elisava School of Design and Engineering.
From waste to new material, this is how Clint works:
The innovation of the proposal lies in the origin of the raw material (laundry waste), in the use of paper material with artisanal printing for different purposes, made with Letter Cotton, and in the circularity of the model, which allows to give new value to these residues by giving them new applications.
The Clint solution allows to transform a residue, until now invisible, neglected and with an associated cost, into a resource with a differential, scalable and sustainable added value.
The applications that this new material, Clint, can offer are many and very diverse, as they are an innovating alternative to the use of plastic materials or to paper or cardboard based objects that already exist.
In addition to these uses, the transformation of lint residue also reduces the damaging effects of fabrics and their micro-plastics on the water and air environments.
Clint is an innovative, sustainable, scalable and creative solution made under a framework of partnership, talent and transformation.
