17 Oct 2024

Make Fashion Last

3rd Edition 080Reborn

Second-hand clothing, reuse, and textile treatment are once again the protagonists of the 3rd edition of 080Reborn, the fashion show that Girbau Lab promotes together with the Consorci de Comerç, Artesania i Moda (CCAM) i l’Agència de Residus de Catalunya (ARC), as part of the 080 Barcelona Fashion.

Under the slogan “make fashion last”, 080Reborn promotes a sustainable transformation in fashion consumption and raises awareness among citizens and the industry about this need. The collection of this edition is inspired by counterculture, articulated through four movements in our history: the French Revolution, the Chinese Cultural Revolution of the 1970s, the English punk movement, and finally, the South African revolutionary movement of the 1980s. Designers Fermín&Gilles were responsible for styling the 31 looks presented, all of which were created 100% with second-hand elements and clothing.


Fashion is also defined by the ability to give new life to clothing, creating unique styles that become an expression of identity and trend.


The textile sector is one of the largest consumers of resources, with the enormous environmental and climate impact that it entails. In Catalonia, each person generates about 22 kilos of textile waste per year, and clothing consumption is rapidly increasing everywhere. It is crucial to reverse this trend, and 080Reborn is a committed effort to drive this change towards circularity and the reuse of clothing as part of contemporary fashion, to extend the useful life of textiles in good condition, and to reduce the impacts associated with the production and use of clothing.

Since its inception three years ago, Girbau LAB has collaborated with 080Reborn to drive this sustainable transformation of the textile industry, promote a cultural shift in how we consume resources, and highlight our role in textile treatment to extend their life and usability.


We must extend the life of clothing, take care of it, and treat it so that it circulates for as long as possible, contributing to its durability. Doing so will help reduce the impact of our consumption.


Video:© Hans Reyes


Fotos:© Gisela Jané