Girbau LAB’s iDrivers awarded with the ADNIntraprèn Award
Girbau LAB’s iDrivers program has won the ADNIntraemprèn Award in the ADNEmprèn 2019 awards. This second edition of ADNEmprèn is promoted by the town hall of Torelló, Mas Vinyoles Venture Factory and the Universitat de Vic – Universitat Central de Catalunya. The delivery ceremony was last Thursday April 25th at the facilities of the company Intorex, Torelló.
The aim of the contest, which has been attended by 32 candidates, is to identify and reward the trajectory of entrepreneurs in Central Catalonia to demonstrate that the territory is also a key factor and facilitator for entrepreneurs.
In the awards ceremony, the iDrivers program received the ADN-Intraprèn Award, a new category that wants to recognize the work of an entrepreneurial person or a team that within a corporation or public administration strongly stands out for its capacity to incorporate the entrepreneurial DNA in initiatives of innovation in technology, product, business and / or business organization.
The prize was for the Girbau Lab’s team, formed by Eudald Bover, Jesús Castro, Maria Formatjé, Marc Llobet, Josep López, Ferran Pineda and Xavier Vilamala.
iDrivers is the program of Girbau LAB program of Girbau LAB that promotes the intraentrepreneurship in Girbau. It has allowed people in this organization to respond to a business challenge by transforming ideas into potential projects.
iDrivers have started to develope their projects for Girbau
The team of 7 iDrivers was selected in 2018 between 30 candidates and have diverse functions in the company. Of the 60 business ideas that were presented to the initiative, 5 were selected. Currently, with an innovation management methodology that incorporates aspects of lean startup, the teams are working on projects such as future new products or activities for the company.
In the category ADN Starter-Ajuntament de Torelló, the prize was for Eric Güell and his business project Showee about intelligent showers. The award to the category ADN-transformer for those who have finally got into entrepreneurship was for Daniel Joseph Hayes and his project Vidalia in the Colonia Vidal de Puig-Reig. Finally, the renowned illustrator from Vic, Pilarín Bayés, received the honorary ADNGurú Award, which recognizes the trajectory of an enterprising person who can serve as a reference for new generations of entrepreneurs.